Another Big Nail in the "Biosolids" Coffin.
The sun is beginning to set on the land application of sewage sludge. Soon it will take its place as a historical footnote illustrating yet another planet-fouling folly of the twentieth century.
On January 29, an administrative court ruled that the Washington State Department of Ecology had violated the State Environmental Policy Act when it approved a statewide permit that allows and regulates the dumping of municipal sewage sludge (biosolids) on farmland and forest land in the state, effectively voiding the permit.
Read the full article, and more, on the Protect Mill Canyon Watershed website which is a chronicle of the struggle to end land-application locally, statewide and nationally.
This comes hot on the heels of a local win in the sewage sludge struggle where a proposal to dump near Tum Tum was withdrawn amid public concern, and also possibly because it might have been apparent at the time that the permit that would have allowed the dumping in southern Stevens County was about to be voided in the aforementioned appeals process.