A message from Citizen Action for Latah Valley:
Let city officials hear it from you: It's critical that we keep the pressure up regarding having the Spokane City Council and Mayor take clear action to protect Latah Valley and adopt a moratorium on major development in the Latah Valley until comprehensive planning can be undertaken and funding sources identified for needed infrastructure.
We’ve been making some headway. The city is hearing from you all and feeling the heat. Earlier this week KXLY featured the efforts of Citizen Action for Latah Valley and its message for a moratorium on major development. And the online petition is nearing 500 signers! Let’s keep the pressure up.
The Latah Valley currently has inadequate to zero community services needed to be a functional and intact region of the city. Deficiencies range from public transportation, fire response, police response, library services, schools, and a community center. Adding more commercial and housing development will only amplify those inadequacies and disparity in this part of the city.
Road infrastructure in Latah Valley is unable to safely handle the current traffic loads; increasing car and truck traffic that will come with increased housing and commercial development will only increase congestion, accidents, and the potential for serious injury or death.
Agricultural land and wildlife corridors in Latah Valley will be directly affected and undermined by adding more development. Citizens of the Latah Valley have a strong interest in wanting to protect farmland and wildlife habitat from unwarranted development.
Write to these officials:
Nadine Woodward = mayor@spokanecity.org
Breen Beggs = bbeggs@spokanecity.org
Michael Cathcart = mcathcart@spokanecity.org
Kate Burke = kateburke@spokanecity.org
Lori Kinnear = lkinnear@spokanecity.org
Betsy Wilkerson = bwilkerson@spokanecity.org
Candace Mumm = cmumm@spokanecity.org
Karen Stratton = kstratton@spokanecity.org
Write a letter to the editor (250 words)
Citizen Action for Latah Valley Facebook Page
Contact Citizen Action for Latah Valley
Email: contactcalv@gmail.com
Phone - 509-795-0048